A different kind of adventure.
Hi! We are a family of three: John-Michael (JM), Katie, and Dexter. We've chosen to leave the world we know for everything foreign. JM is a programmer, Katie is an emergency medicine physician assistant, and Dexter is the curious explorer. We did the rat race for a while, and spent our money on a house, bills, "stuff", but mostly traveling and cars. We bought, rented, drove, wrecked, tuned/modified many cars until we came across boating. We'd never been exposed to boating prior to 2016, when we rented a modest 22 ft. motor boat on a family trip.
After that we, were hooked on the freedoms and challenges of boating. We did a lot of research until we decided on a Fountaine Pajot Saba 50, we named Space Between. We chose a sailing catamaran not limited by gas range and large enough to live aboard as a family with some creature comforts as well as room for guests. We put our money down before we ever sailed a day in our lives. We've taken many steps to work towards our goal of a cruising life by completing ASA courses, bare-boat chartering, reading, following YouTube vlogs, learning to fish, snorkel, SCUBA dive, live like minimalists, scratch cook / ration plan, home-school, and become versed in all around boat maintenance. In 2017, we set sail.
What followed was 18 exciting months in the Caribbean traveling from Florida to Grenada and back again. We enjoyed our time more than we ever could have imagined. So much so that we decided to double-down on world traveling via the sea!
In 2019 we purchased a Nordhavn N64, we named Gray Matter. The decision to switch from a sailing to a motor vessel was an big one and we spent four months re-fitting her in Florida to meet our needs. This refit was the largest “boat project” we had even undertaken - several hundred boat projects actually. As time dockside marched on, we were keen to get cruising again. After a few false starts, we left Florida for the Caribbean once again in November, 2019 - now aboard Gray Matter.
Life is short. Choose to experience it as your own.